Tamar Vets is an independent, locally-owned practice with branches in Bude, Holsworthy and Hartland.

Our experienced team continually strive to improve on the level of care and expertise we provide, keeping abreast of advances in modern veterinary medicine whilst maintaining, at the heart of all our care, a compassion for the animals we treat. 

Puppy with nursing team

We also run a range of nursing clinics

  • Weight checks
  • Dental checks
  • Pre-purchase advice
  • Puppy and kitten advice
  • Puppy parties
  • Six-month juvenile checks
  • Tick removal
  • Sexing young pets
  • Post-operative checks
  • Claw clipping
  • Microchipping
  • Administering worming products
  • Grooming and dematts
  • Bandaging and dressing changes

We provide a comprehensive service for the majority of species, combined with a depth of experience and innovation that is essential for the most challenging veterinary problems.

We are dedicated to keeping your pets healthy, advising on preventative health care, whilst also having excellent levels of knowledge and experience to allow us to provide the best possible treatment in the unfortunate event of any illness.

We run consultations by appointment in our branches in Bude, Holsworthy and Hartland. With surgeries six days a week and at three different sites, we try to allow our clients to be seen at a time convenient to them, whilst minimising stressful travelling or waiting times for our more anxious patients. Sick animals will always be seen on the same day and emergencies will take priority.

In an emergency or when the practice is closed, contact any of our branches and we will arrange for your pet to be seen by one of our veterinary team as soon as possible.